Jhoan Vergara - Thermal Shock Java

From $30.00 USD
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MEET THE PRODUCER | Coming from a long line of coffee producers in Colombia, Jhoan Vergara left high school at 15 years old to attend SENA, where prospective coffee producers go to learn the craft. Jhoan's early interest in coffee quality and processing experimentation has led to his farm, Las Flores, being named among the "holy trinity" of coffees coming from Lohas Beans (alongside Nestor Lasso's El Diviso, and the Gasca brothers' Zarza). His unique processing protocols, such as the low-impact thermal shock described below, have led to some really impressive lots in recent years, and we feel very honored to have commissioned this particular Java lot in conjunction with Know Where Coffee and Lohas Beans.

TRUST THE PROCESS | After being picked at peak ripeness, the coffee cherries are oxidized for twelve hours at a controlled temperature before undergoing anaerobic fermentation for 50 hours. Then, they undergo a second round of oxidation in open-air tanks for an additional 20 hours. Round two of anaerobic fermentation lasts for 30 hours, after which the coffee undergoes one final round of fermentation - this time submerged  with the musto collected during oxidation. Eventually, the cherries are placed in a masquesina to dry until optimal moisture content is achieved.

TAKE A SIP | When hot, this coffee is a certified berry BOMB. Think: strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. The acidity is fresh like complex citrus here, and the coffee is intense in a wine-y kind of way - combining with all those berry flavors to give us a sipping experience not unlike sangria. Cocoa nib is also prevalent at this temperature, mingling with all those berry flavors in a way that reminds us of chocolate-covered raspberries. 

As the coffee approaches a pleasantly warm temperature, the berries drop off a bit to make room for bigger citrus, and lemon verbena takes the stage. Both the wine-like body and distinctive cocoa nib note persevere, but the cup as a whole becomes fresher and more tart at this temperature. 

When cool, this rare variety's characteristics are really put on display as the coffee becomes more herbal and remains very citric. Cocoa nib gives way to something smoother, like craft chocolate, and that play between citrus and chocolate reminds us of  something delightfully nostalgic: Terry's Chocolate Oranges. At this temperature, intensity quiets and freshness peaks, sipping less like sangria and more like a sparkling strawberry soda.  


Origin | Bruselas, Huila, Colombia

Producer | Jhoan Vergara

Farm | Las Flores

Process | Thermal Shock

Variety |  Java

Elevation | 2000 masl