Lica Torres - Anaerobic Natural Gesha

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MEET THE PRODUCER | Nestled at the foot of Chirripo Volcano, the 3-hectare farm owned by Lica Torres and his family is one of only a few such courageous endeavors in Brunca, the southernmost growing region in Costa Rica. Conditions there aren't exactly idyllic: the soil is rocky, the incline steep, and the weather is often either a little too hot or a little too cold to grow any particular crop with tremendous success. Lica's father initially planted pine trees on the farm, but farming wood is a slow-going process that doesn't yield dividends very quickly. Enter: Lica's big idea.

Five years ago, Lica began to notice other families in the area growing coffee with some success, and he decided to take a big risk by planting a new, experimental hybrid coffee variety (called Milenio) on his farm, which sits at 1500 masl. The gamble proved tremendously successful - and we actually had the privilege of featuring one of his Milenio lots last Fall! In the years since Lica planted those first Milenio crops, he and his family acquired more land at higher elevations, including a plot of land named El Division, sitting at about 1800 masl. It is here, looking down over the village of Buena Vista de Rivas below, that you'll find us sipping this delightful and unique cup of Costa Rican Gesha.

TRUST THE PROCESS | After being picked at peak ripeness and brought to the wet mill, the coffee cherries are packed into sealed plastic bags for an initial fermentation period of 24 hours, during which time the accumulated mosto is collected. Then, the lot gets moved to sealed plastic tanks and is reunited with its mosto, where it is then left to ferment without oxygen for 100 hours. In an effort to slowly (rather than abruptly) bring fermentation to an end, the coffee is first placed on raised drying beds in thick layers and turned periodically for 15-22 days. By increasing the drying time and slowing the rate of fermentation cessation, Lica and his crew are hoping to better preserve and elevate the flavors developed during the anaerobic fermentation period. Finally, the coffee is moved to concrete patios for a final drying push, until optimal moisture content is achieved. 

TAKE A SIP | Although certainly an anaerobic natural, this coffee is on the cleaner side of things. It simultaneously showcases some distinctive Gesha characteristics (like florality) while also elevating characteristics developed throughout fermentation (like a body that's full and round and sweet). White flowers, like magnolia, give the variety away at first sip. But the fruit flavors are a little bigger and louder than we'd typically expect from a Gesha lot - think dried mangoes and red grapes. The whole cup is delightfully sweet, like maple syrup.


Origin | Buena Vista de Rivas, Brunca, Costa Rica

Producer | Lica Torres

Farm | El Division

Wet Mill | Cerro Buena Vista

Process | Anaerobic Natural

Variety | Gesha

Elevation | 1800 masl